8 new titles were added to Secondary School Core and Secondary School Core with Backfile in February 2021. There are now 944 titles in the Secondary School Core collection, and 1156 titles in Secondary School Core with Backfile. If you subscribe to one of these packages, see a full title list in your Admin account (log-in required), or check it out on our corporate site: Secondary School Core, Secondary School Core with Backfile.
New Secondary School Core Titles:
A to Z of Women: Women in Science and Math ISBN: 9781438150093 A to Z of Women in Science and Math, Third Edition profiles women who fought against stereotypes throughout history and all over the world to forge new discoveries and theories that would eventually change the way we view science. |
An Introduction to Survey Research ISBN: 9781948976053 An Introduction to Survey Research: The Basics of Survey Research, Second Edition introduces fundamentals of good survey research to students and practitioners of the survey process as well as end users of survey information. It describes key survey components needed to design, understand, and use surveys effectively and avoid the pitfalls stemming from bad survey construction and inappropriate methods. |
Disability Series: Disability Rights, Benefits, and Support Services Sourcebook ISBN: 9780780817647 Disability Rights, Benefits, and Support Services Sourcebook, First Edition, provides an overview of rights and laws enacted to protect and accommodate people with disabilities. It includes information on federal laws that protect the right to vote, education programs and accommodations, Social Security benefits for individuals with a disability and the processes required to apply for these benefits, disability compensation benefits for veterans, information on how to find government and local disability programs and services, and other resources. |
Guide to the Naturalized Invasive Plants of Eastern Africa ISBN: 9781786394385 The main aim of this Field Guide is to enable people to identify some of the alien plant species that are invasive, potentially invasive, or naturalized in East Africa (Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda) and Ethiopia, and to enable them to learn more about the impacts of these species and about possible options for managing and controlling such plants. |
Guide to the Naturalized Invasive Plants of Southeast Asia ISBN: 9781786394361 This Guide will serve as an invaluable aid in the identification, mapping, monitoring, and management of alien plant species that are already present in Association of Southeast Asian Nations member states, or which may become problematic in the future, due to increased trade and travel, economic development and climate change. |
The Britannica Guide to the World's Most Influential People ISBN: 9781625134271 In The Britannica Guide to the World's Most Influential People, readers will get to know the foremost minds within technology, medicine, military, religion, and entertainment. Each figure's life and accomplishments are put into context, showing how their contributions changed the world we live in. |
The SAGE Encyclopedia of the Sociology of Religion ISBN: 9781473942202 The SAGE Encyclopedia of the Sociology of Religion takes a look at the role of religion in society; unpacking and evaluating the significance of religion in and on human history; and tracing and outlining the social forces and influences that shape religion. |
ISBN: 9781119059004 In Thinking About Shakespeare, Kay Stockholder reveals the rich inner lives of some of Shakespeare's most enigmatic characters and the ways in which their emotions and actions shape and are shaped by the social and political world around them. |
* The Backfile removal affects customers who have joined Credo since 2016, as well as earlier accounts which have opted into the curated Secondary School Core package. Accounts with the legacy “Secondary School Core with Backfile” product are not affected. Please email support@credoreference.com if you have any questions about your subscription package. If you want these Backfile titles restored to your account, we can switch your subscription package to the non-curated version of Secondary School Core at no extra charge, and with no further paperwork. Just email support@credoreference.com for further help.
There were no updated or retired titles this month. A full list of updated and retired titles is always available upon request to support@credoreference.com.