November 2018 Content Update Student Core


One updated title was added to the Student Core Collection in November 2018. 

There are now 433 titles in the Student Core collection. If you subscribe to this package, see a full title list in your Admin account (log-in required), or check it out on our corporate site.

Updated Student Core Title: 


Teen Health Series: Drug Information for Teens

ISBN: 9780780816381

Drug Information for Teens, Fifth Edition provides updated facts about drug use, abuse, and addiction. It describes the physical and psychological effects of alcohol, marijuana, prescription drugs, inhalants, club drugs, stimulants, and many other drugs and chemicals that are commonly abused. It includes information about drug-related health concerns, such as HIV infection, drug-facilitated rape, depression, and suicide.


There were no new or retired titles this month. Please note that 29 Barron's titles will be retired from this collection in December 2018 - click here for a list or download the MARC purge records. A list of updated and retired titles is always available upon request to

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