August 2021 Content Update Secondary School Core


4 new titles were added to Secondary School Core and Secondary School Core with Backfile in August 2021. There are now 987 titles in the Secondary School Core collection, and 1199 titles in Secondary School Core with Backfile. If you subscribe to one of these packages, see a full title list in your Admin account (log-in required), or check it out on our corporate site: Secondary School Core, Secondary School Core with Backfile.


New Secondary School Core Titles:


The Multimedia Encyclopedia of Women in Today's World

ISBN: 9781452270371

The Multimedia Encyclopedia of Women in Today's World provides a vibrant collection of entries dealing with contemporary women's issues around the world.


Opinions Throughout History: Robotics & Artificial Intelligence

ISBN: 9781642654813

This volume explores automatons, computing, mechanical engineering, automation in the Industrial Revolution, digital technology, the search for artificial intelligence, and technological singularity--a hypothetical future point when technological growth becomes uncontrollable and irreversible, resulting in unfathomable changes to human civilization.


The Psych 101 Series: Forensic Psychology 101

ISBN: 9780826140746

This is a concise, engaging overview of forensic psychology, spanning its origins as a discipline through the many varied opportunities for employment today.


Wiley Handbooks in Education: The Wiley Handbook on Violence in Education: Forms, Factors, and Preventions

ISBN: 9781118966679

With contributions from noted experts in a wide-range of scholarly and professional fields, The Wiley Handbook on Violence in Education offers original research and essays that address the troubling issue of violence in education.


There were no updated or retired titles this month. A full list of updated and retired titles is always available upon request to

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