November 2021 Content Update Secondary School Core


2 new titles were added to Secondary School Core and Secondary School Core with Backfile in November 2021. There are now 997 titles in the Secondary School Core collection, and 1209 titles in Secondary School Core with Backfile. If you subscribe to one of these packages, see a full title list in your Admin account (log-in required), or check it out on our corporate site: Secondary School Core, Secondary School Core with Backfile.


New Secondary School Core Titles:


Handy Answer: The Handy Western Philosophy Answer Book: The Ancient Greek Influence on Modern Understanding

ISBN: 9781578595563

The Handy Western Philosophy Answer Book: The Ancient Greek Influence on Modern Understanding makes esoteric ideas and the jumble of names easy to understand, enriching readers' lives.


Opinions Throughout History: Guns in America

ISBN: 9781642656534

From the Revolutionary War to the national crisis brought about by mass shootings in the 21st century, Guns in America provides a historical look at the controversial debate over gun rights and gun control.


Handy Answer: The Handy Western Philosophy Answer Book: The Ancient Greek Influence on Modern Understanding

ISBN: 9781578595563

The Handy Western Philosophy Answer Book: The Ancient Greek Influence on Modern Understanding makes esoteric ideas and the jumble of names easy to understand, enriching readers' lives.


Opinions Throughout History: Guns in America

ISBN: 9781642656534

From the Revolutionary War to the national crisis brought about by mass shootings in the 21st century, Guns in America provides a historical look at the controversial debate over gun rights and gun control.


There were no updated or retired titles this month. A full list of updated and retired titles is always available upon request to

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