April/May 2022 Content Update Academic Core


10 new titles and 1 updated title were released to Academic Core and Academic Core with Backfile in May 2022.

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On June 29, 2022, we will be retiring 14 Wiley titles from these collections. See a title list here or download MARC purge records here. Those using the pre-defined collections in Discovery Systems such as EDS and Summon will have the titles removed automatically.

There are now 1138 titles in Academic Core with Backfile, and 841 titles in the Academic Core collection. If you subscribe to one of these packages, see a full title list in your Admin account (log-in required), or check it out on our corporate site: Academic Core with Backfile, Academic Core.


New Academic Core Titles


Doing Business 2019: Training for Reform

ISBN: 9781464813269

Doing Business illustrates how reforms in business regulations are being used to analyze economic outcomes for domestic entrepreneurs and for the wider economy.


Edinburgh Companions to Literature and the Humanities: The Edinburgh Companion to the Postcolonial Middle East

ISBN: 9781474427685

This Edinburgh Companion seeks to develop a postcolonial framework for addressing the Middle East. The first collection of essays on this subject, it assembles some of the world's foremost postcolonialists to explore the critical, theoretical and disciplinary possibilities that inquiry into this region opens for postcolonial studies.


Encyclopedia of Environmental Health

ISBN: 9780444639516

Encyclopedia of Environmental Health, Second Edition presents the newest release in this fundamental reference that updates and broadens the umbrella of environmental health - especially social and environmental health - for its readers.


Handbook of Deep Trade Agreements

ISBN: 9781464815393

This Handbook presents detailed data and analysis on the content of the policy areas most frequently covered in DTAs, focusing on the stated objectives, substantive commitments, and other aspects such as transparency, procedures, and enforcement. Each chapter, authored by lead experts in their respective fields, explains in detail the methodology used to collect the information and provides a first look at the evidence by policy area.


Health Reference Series: Global Public Health and Disease Control Sourcebook

ISBN: 9780780819665

Provides basic consumer information on global public health, infectious diseases that affect global public health, environmental pollutants that affect global public health, and precautions to control these global infections. Includes an index and a directory of organizations for additional help and information.


Teen Health Series: Traveler's Health and Safety Information for Teens

ISBN: 9780780817784

Traveler's Health and Safety Sourcebook, First Edition provides information about travel health, safety, advisories and types of traveling that pose health and safety risks.


Textiles and Clothing: Environmental Concerns and Solutions

ISBN: 9781119526315

All environmental aspects relating to the textile and clothing industry are discussed in this book.


The SAGE Handbook of Domestic Violence

ISBN: 9781526494863

The SAGE Handbook of Domestic Violence provides a rich overview of the most important theoretical and empirical work in the field, organized by relationship type.


The SAGE Handbook of the Social Sciences: The SAGE Handbook of Cultural Anthropology

ISBN: 9781529703870

The SAGE Handbook of Cultural Anthropology is an essential resource for social scientists globally and contains a rich body of chapters on all major topics relevant to the field, whilst also presenting a possible road map for the future of the field.


Violence without Borders: The Internationalization of Crime and Conflict

ISBN: 9781464814525

The Internationalization of Crime, Conflict, and Violence, offers a unified framework to take stock of the theoretical and empirical literature on crime, conflict, and violence and to discuss how the international community organizes itself to address security as a regional and global public good.

Updated Academic Core Title


Encyclopedia of American Studies


A comprehensive source of reference that brings together a wide range of disciplines related to the history and cultures of the United States, from pre-colonial days to the present

There were no retired titles this month. A full list of updated and retired titles is always available upon request to support@credoreference.com.



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