3 new titles and 9 updated titles were added to the Student Core Collection in May 2022.
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There are now 575 titles in the Student Core collection. If you subscribe to this package, see a full title list in your Admin account (log-in required), or check it out on our corporate site.
New Student Core Titles:
Teen Health Series: Traveler's Health and Safety Information for Teens ISBN: 9780780817784 Traveler's Health and Safety Sourcebook, First Edition provides information about travel health, safety, advisories and types of traveling that pose health and safety risks. |
Timelines in American History: The 21st Century Timeline ISBN: 9781438163918 The 21st Century Timeline presents a detailed chronology that highlights the major events of the century from 2000 to 2015. |
Vaccination Investigation: The History and Science of Vaccines ISBN: 9781512425307 Vaccine Investigation recounts the fascinating history of vaccines, their important role in protecting community health, and the excitement of cutting-edge research. |
New Student Core Titles:
Encyclopedia of American Studies ISBN: N/A A comprehensive source of reference that brings together a wide range of disciplines related to the history and cultures of the United States, from pre-colonial days to the present |
Teen Finance Series: Cash, Credit and Credit Repair Information for Teens ISBN: 9780780818521 Cash, Credit and Credit Repair Information for Teens, Fourth Edition provides an updated look at how teens can earn and manage money. |
Teen Health Series: Alcohol Information for Teens ISBN: 9780780818972 Alcohol Information for Teens, Fifth Edition provides updated information about the use and misuse of alcohol. |
Teen Health Series: Cancer Information for Teens ISBN: 9780780819276 Cancer Information For Teens, Fifth Edition presents updated facts about cancer causes, prevention, diagnosis, and treatment. |
Teen Health Series: Diet Information for Teens ISBN: 9780780817418 Diet Information For Teens, Fifth Edition provides information about healthy smart dietary choices, including facts from the Dietary Guidelines for Americans. |
Teen Health Series: Eating Disorders Information for Teens ISBN: 9780780819238 Eating Disorders Information For Teens, Fifth Edition, discusses the differences between healthy eating patterns and anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge eating syndrome, emotional eating, orthorexia, pica, and other eating disorders. |
Teen Health Series: Fitness Information for Teens ISBN: 9780780819689 Provides consumer health information for teens about maintaining health through physical activity, including facts about preventing injury and overcoming obstacles to fitness. Includes index and resource information. |
Teen Health Series: Mental Health Information for Teens ISBN: 9780780819252 Mental Health Information for Teens, Sixth Edition offers updated information on mental health and its importance. It presents facts about the causes, warning signs, and diagnosis of mental illnesses, and explains how the adolescent brain differs from the adult brain. |
Teen Health Series: Pregnancy Information for Teens ISBN: 9780780818996 Pregnancy Information For Teens, Fourth Edition discusses the bewildering array of choices to be made and the obstacles to be overcome when a young woman faces an unplanned pregnancy. |
There were no retired titles this month. A list of updated and retired titles is always available upon request to support@credoreference.com.