Export to Google Drive


You can export Credo entries and Topic Pages right into your Google account! Unlike Google Apps for authentication, this will work with both personal and institutional Google accounts, and requires no prior Admin set-up. Here's how to do it:

1. Find the print/export icon in the menu on any Credo entry or Topic Page, and select "Export to Google Drive."

2. Input your Google credentials if prompted to do so. 

3. When the permission screen appears, click "Allow". (Please note that we do not use or store your credentials, or make any changes to your Google Drive account, except to populate it with the Credo entries you export. Learn more about permissions here: https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/3466521?hl=en)



4. Your Google Drive account should open automatically, or you can go directly to http://drive.google.com. You'll see the Credo entry in your list of files (note that it will appear below any folders you've created):



Then you can open and edit the file just like any Google document.

You can manage all of your integrated apps, including Credo, by going to https://security.google.com/settings/security/permissions?hl=en  



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