What's the difference between Academic Core and Academic Core with Backfile?


In 2015, Credo introduced a curated version of our Academic Core package. Unlike the traditional Academic Core collection, the curated Academic Core is weeded to remove titles that are outdated, redundant, or have very low overall usage. 

This version of the collection is weeded once a year, around the end of the calendar year (late December/early January), and the removals are announced to subscribers in advance. 

The pre-2015 version of Academic Core is still available to customers, but is now called "Academic Core with Backfile." With this version, we replace old editions when new ones are released, as we've always done, and remove titles at the publisher's request, but otherwise we do not initiate any title removals. Academic Core with Backfile is identical to the pre-2015 Academic Core collection - only the name has changed.

There is no difference in price between the versions of Academic Core; both are treated as Academic Core for invoicing purposes. Current subscribers are welcome to switch to curated Academic Core on a trial basis, and switch back any time you'd like during your subscription. Any customers who subscribed to Academic Core after January 7, 2015 will automatically receive the curated version, but can opt into Academic Core with Backfile upon request. 

If you'd like further information, or wish to opt into either version of the collection, please email support@credoreference.com.

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