PLEASE NOTE: Due to the Credo platform refresh, which moved most Admin functions to, the usage reports prior to August 2023 are temporarily unavailable. For more about the update see the article here, or contact
Reporting Usage
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Running Stats Reports August 2023 - Present
SUSHI Reports (opens a new page)
Running Statistics Reports in the Infobase Admin (August 2023 - Present)
Following the Credo platform migration, usage reports for August 2023 and forward are downloadable from the Infobase platform. Currently, only COUNTER reports are available. Earlier usage reports are temporarily unavailable; please email with any concerns. We plan to import two years of historical data from the old platform, as well as expand the offering to include some of the custom reporting possible in the legacy Admin platform.
How to download usage reports:
1. Log into For customers who subscribed prior to September 2023, the credentials are the same as your legacy Credo Admin credentials. Your Infobase Admin credentials will work as well. The log-in info is always available to authorized Admins upon request to
2. Under "Credo Reference," look for the option "Reports"
3. Under COUNTER, click "Go to Report". The default is the COUNTER Platform Master (PR) report for the previous 12 months. If there is no usage for the period, there will be an error message. If you do not see the COUNTER option, check your account settings to make sure COUNTER is enabled.
4. On the report page, you can adjust the time period, report type, and other metrics. See the definitions section below for more information on these options. The report type can be selected using the drop-down menu at the center of the report header.
5. To download a report, click "Download" in the right header menu. This will download a file in xslx format to your default location (typically the download folder) with a name like this:
6. Changing the Reporting Period
The default reporting period is the previous 12 months (for example, in September 2024, the period is Aug 2023 - Aug 2024). To change the period, click on the date range in the left header menu:
The "Quick Set" menu on the left are some pre-defined periods, such as year to date. The middle menu represents the start date of a custom period. The right menu represents the end date of a custom period. In the image above, if you wanted to see just usage from September 2023, you would change the year from 2022 to 2023 and select September, then click "View." Please note that usage stats prior to August 2023 are temporarily unavailable.
7. Alert Emails
To set up automated usage emails, click the "Alerts" button in the upper right header, then click "Add Alert" in the upper right. Add your email under "To", select a period, and choose the report type. Under Advanced options, you can set the subject and body of the automated email. These emails usually come well into the next month (ie, August 2024 arrives mid-September 2024).
COUNTER Report Terminology
Available reports (the most useful reports are marked with *)
- PR* - Platform Master Report - Includes aggregate numbers of searches, investigations, and requests for the period (see below for definitions)
- DR - Database Master Report - Similar to the PR Report, but does not include title metrics
- IR* - Item Master Report - Lists entries viewed in this reporting period
- PR_P1 - Platform Usage - Similar to the Platform Master Report
- DR_D1 - Database Search and Item Usage - Similar to the Platform Master Report
- IR_M1 - Multimedia Item Requests - Not applicable to Credo
- TR* - Title Master Report - Lists titles viewed in this reporting period
- TR_B1 Book Requests - Similar to the TR report
- TR_B3 Book Usage by Access Type - All usage is "Controlled" for Credo users
- LL_CR_D1 - A report available on Consortial accounts only, which shows aggregate usage by the child accounts.
* Starred reports are the most useful to Credo customers.
- Searches_Platform: A COUNTER Metric Type used to report searches conducted on a platform. This represents a basic or advanced search run on Credo content, whether it is performed in the Credo platform or initiated externally, as with a widget or external search box. A Mind Map-only search is not counted.
- Total_Item_Investigations: A COUNTER Metric_Type that represents the number of times users accessed the content (i.e. full text) of an item, or information describing that item (i.e. an abstract). For Credo purposes, this is equivalent to entries viewed.
- Unique_Item_Investigations: A COUNTER Metric Type that represents the number of unique “Content Items” investigated in a user-session. For Credo purposes, this is a count of entries viewed at least once in a user session; multiple views or previews of a single entry in that session are not included.
- Total_Item_Requests: A COUNTER Metric Type that represents the number of times users requested the full content (i.e. full text) of an item. Requests may take the form of viewing, downloading, emailing, or printing content provided such actions can be tracked by the content provider’s server. For Credo, this is a count of entries viewed in full and any action (downloading as PDF, emailing, etc) this entry.
- Unique_Item_Requests: A COUNTER Metric Type that represents the number of unique entries investigated in a user-session. For Credo, this is a count of entries viewed at least once in the user session; multiple views of a single entry in the session are not included.
- Unique_Title_Requests: A COUNTER Metric Type that represents the number of unique titles requested in a user session. Examples of titles are journals and books.
Definitions from
SUSHI Reports
Information on running SUSHI reports can be found here:
If you'd like further help, or need your SUSHI credentials, please email
Frequently Asked Questions
How are searches counted?
- Every query entered in the search box is counted as one search. This shows 10 results by default, and every additional 10 items viewed is counted as one additional search. For example, if a user searches for DNA, then clicks "load more" at the bottom of the results 3 times, the search count for “DNA” would be 4. Changing the subject of the Mind Map also results in one search metric being logged.
How are entries counted?
- Every entry viewed during a session is counted. If an entry is displayed, printed, emailed or saved multiple times in a session, each event will be counted.
How quickly are statistics available?
- Credo Online Reference Service statistics are updated every 24 hours. Usage today will be downloadable tomorrow. However, the COUNTER reports are not officially finalized until the next month and may change slightly prior to that time.
What does it mean if a month is unavailable in the stats timeline?
- This means that there was no recorded usage for this period - if this is the case, please contact for usage troubleshooting and promotional ideas.
What does it mean if a title we have access to does not show in the title report?
- This means that there was no recorded usage for this title in this period.
How long does Credo keep usage statistics?
- COUNTER reports are available for August 2023 to present in the Infobase Admin. Reports prior to this time are temporarily unavailable. Eventually we intend to migrate in data back to August 2021.
I have purchased or subscribed to Add-on Content. How can I see this title usage?
- The title data report must be cross-referenced with the TR_B1 Book Requests report, using the title as the key field. can assist you with this process.
Why are there turnaways logged on the TR_B2 report?
- The "Summary Articles" (formerly Topic Pages) which appear at the top of many search result pages can be drawn from content not present in your account, such as for-purchase-only titles. On the Credo platform, they have a special URL parameter which allows them to be accessed, but the URL in the citation does not have this piece, meaning that the citation URL results in a turnaway. This is a known bug that we are in the process of prioritizing.
- If the collections selected in Discovery do not exactly match your holdings in Credo
- If there are retired or weeded title records in your catalog
- If a student finds a Credo resource on Google or in another school's system, such as LibGuides, that is not present in your account
- If a user attempts to access a single-user title while another user has reserved it. Please note that only a small number of specialty titles are single-user; none of the titles in the subscription "Core Collections" (Academic Core, Public Core, Student Core, Complete Core) are limited in this way.
Why aren't stats available for dates prior to August 2023?
- Credo migrated to a new platform in August 2023, and the legacy Admin formerly at has now been retired. We hope to migrate in the data for an additional two years, back to August 2021, but this work has not yet been completed. Please email with any concerns or to be notified when this data is available.